In July 2016, the Collaborative Divorce Vancouver Society (CDV) took over this blog from John-Paul Boyd.
The CDV is a group of family lawyers, family therapists, including counsellors and psychologists, and financial specialists, who are all dedicated to the idea that whenever possible, couples should stay out of court and remain in control of how their matter is resolved using the alternative dispute resolution method called Collaborative Law. The CDV’s members receive training in mediation and collaborative practice, in addition to the standard continuing education training required by their respective professional bodies. The forward-looking members are always looking for ways to expand their skills and improve their clients’ experiences during this difficult time in their lives.
The CDV is a group of family lawyers, family therapists, including counsellors and psychologists, and financial specialists, who are all dedicated to the idea that whenever possible, couples should stay out of court and remain in control of how their matter is resolved using the alternative dispute resolution method called Collaborative Law. The CDV’s members receive training in mediation and collaborative practice, in addition to the standard continuing education training required by their respective professional bodies. The forward-looking members are always looking for ways to expand their skills and improve their clients’ experiences during this difficult time in their lives.
The CDV members offer client-centered services to married and unmarried couples, at the beginning of their relationships to assist them in creating Cohabitation Agreements and at the end of their relationships to guide them through the process of creating Separation Agreements. The holistic Collaborative approach includes family lawyers who, along with their clients, sign a Participation Agreement so that the Collaborative process remains confidential and a safe space to explore options.
Collaborative lawyers require the same standards of financial disclosure as other family lawyers. Family therapists act as Divorce Coaches to help with the emotional aspects of the separation and also in creating a parenting plan, sometimes with the additional support of a Child Specialist who can remain neutral between the parents and speak on behalf of the children, to ensure the best interests of the children are the priority. Financial Specialists help in a number of ways. The CDV and its individual members are also members of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.