29 July 2014

New Guidebook to Settlement Processes for Self-represented Parties

Professor Julie Macfarlane, along with Hannah Bahmanpour and Katrina Trask, has just published her latest resource for persons without counsel through her National Self-represented Litigants Project.

"Settlement Smarts" for Self-represented Litigants (PDF) is intended to help people work more effectively in settlement processes, whether the person on the other side of the table is also without counsel or a lawyer. Settlement Smarts talks about judicial settlement processes, mediation and negotiation, and offers helpful tips about preparing for these processes, strategy and what happens when agreement is or is not reached.

Settlement Smarts is one of a growing number of excellent resource offered through the National Self-represented Litigants Project. Another helpful paper is Coping With the Courtroom: Essential Information and Tips for Self-represented Litigants (PDF), by Prof. Macfarlane and Ms Bahmanpour, which discusses the basics of courthouse operations and courtroom procedures, and guides readers through opening statements, the direct- and cross-examination of witnesses and expert witnesses, and closing arguments.

Although links to material on the internet can be distributed as you wish, contact the National Self-represented Litigants Project directly — there's an email address at the foot of each page of its website   for permission to distributed printed copies of these helpful papers.